- Is chili not hot how to do? Is there substitutional article? 辣椒不辣怎么办?有取代的物品吗?
- You is not to tell me how to do the driving! 你别指手划脚地教我怎么开车!
- The question is not what to do but how to do it. 问题不是该做什么,而是该如何去做。
- What to do is one question, and how to do it is quite another. 应该做什么和应该怎样做是完全不同的两个问题。
- I know how to do, try not to hype me. 我知道该怎么做,你别想骗我啦。
- He is in doubt what to do and how to act. 他尚未确定做什么,如何做。
- We could not agree as to how to do it . 关于如何做这件事情,我们的意见不能一致。
- He is devising how to do that thing. 他正计划如何进行那件事情。
- An old peasant is showing them how to do the work. 一位老农正在给他们示范如何干话。
- I'll tell you precisely how to do it. 我将确切地告诉你如何办理此事。
- I'll tell you how to do it once again. 我再告诉你一次怎麽做。
- You are not to tell me how to do the driving! 你别指手划脚地教我怎么开车!
- You are not to tell me how to do the driving. 你别指手划脚地教我怎么开车!
- How to do academia appraisal well is one era topic. 如何搞好学术评价是一个时代话题。
- Sometimes I do not know how to do. 有些时候我不知道该怎么办才好。
- He seemed to know intuitively how to do it. 他似乎凭直觉知道如何做
- No matter how hard it is, I'll learn how to do it. 什么难学不难学, 我保证学会。
- Ask me if you're not sure how to do it. 你要是拿不准怎么干,就问我。
- Please explain to me where to begin and how to do it. 请向我说明从哪里开始以及怎样做。
- Is summer too frowsty how to do? Depressed! ! 夏天太闷怎么办?郁闷呗!!